Beautiful Print Designs, On the Web
I’ve been noticing a trend lately that I’m really loving. Graphically appealing print-style page designs on the web. With advancements in web standards, CSS3, HTML5, and Typekit, web designers have been able to do more than ever when creating appealing…

Setting Expectations for Change
I have been a member of meetup.com for quite a few years now, and they have been making a lot of changes. Do I like all of them? No. However, I still admire them for the way they are handling…

Designing for Android
I’m currently working on an Android app design, and have found a number of resources that have proved to be very valuable. Because Android is a open platform, it can be very hard to find a good set of standards,…
Got a slow Android Phone? Reset it.
I have had the original Droid for almost 2 years now running Android. I like it, but it’s been driving me crazy lately. Apps are constantly hanging, the screen freezes, things crash. Today it finally hit me, maybe I should reset the…

Make the system do the work, not the user.
One of the benefits of working in software design is the fact that software is capable of extremely complex algorithms in a matter of milliseconds. System are smart. I could ask you to tell me what 876,543/3.7 is and it would…
Makes you want to stand.
Fantastic infographic from MedicalBillingandCoding.org:
Word This – Chrome Word Press Extension
After trying my best to adopt Tumblr over the last 6 months, I think I may be returning to my regular Word Press blog for posting interesting articles and pictures. Especially now that I have found this wonderful chrome extension: Word…
HBR Article Advocating the Importance of Design
What designer doesn’t like an article that well states how important design is in an organization, and how underutilized it is at the same time. That’s exactly what Umair Haque does in this great article from the Harvard Business Review…

Interaction Points: How do you talk to your users?
I came across two very interesting interactions today that made me think about the way we talk to our users. In the technology realm we talk to people every day, however it is not typically face to face. Instead we…

7 Fantastic Invisible Interactions
What I call invisible interactions are interactions I never really noticed until they went missing. These are the truly usable and seamlessly designed interactions. Features I’ve come to expect without even knowing it. Below is a list of some invisible…